Thursday, March 13, 2008

They’re Considering That Image on a License Plate?

At a stop light, how you ever looked over your steering wheel and looked at the license plate in front of you? Other than the usual license plate, there are some that are personalized. A personalized plate either reads something like CRUSN 1 or either supports an organization such as the military.

What if you looked over the steering wheel and the license plate supported something such as the KKK or the death of any person for that matter? How would you react to seeing that plate? Would you think about it after you drove off and no longer could see the car?

Recently, a state lawmaker wants to allow people to buy a 'Southern Heritage' specialty license plate. A specialty license plate showing the 'Stars and Bars' of the Confederate flag, an image igniting many unpleasant responses from people. In an article by Wink news, they interviewed a radio talk show host and got this response:
"Wherever you are in talk radio, the Confederate flag gets people fired up," says Mandy Connell. Connell, the morning host on WINK NEWS RADIO, found that out. She says, people perceive the display of "Stars and Bars", as racist or redneck. She got dozens of calls. "That flag is such an emotional issue. And it invokes such strong reactions from people, that you can not expect to fly that flag with impunity," said Connell.

When I first heard of the story, I was upset that anyone would consider allowing such an image on a license plate. As I read more of the article, it discussed what the license plate is for and what it is supporting:
“The Sons of Confederate Veterans would get $25 dollars for every plate sold. The group would use the money to restore cemeteries of Confederate soldiers, and for Civil War displays in museums.”

For what the group is supporting, does it make the license plate acceptable to be on the road? I don’t believe that a certain license plate with that image should be on the road because it ignites many responses. What if the group changed the image on the flag, then would it be acceptable to put the license plate on the road? It would be acceptable considering what they’re supporting and I believe what the group is supporting should be shown on the license plate in a different manner.


eugenia said...

WOW! While I think the idea of raising money to sponsor Civil War displays is a good one, I really think the confederate flag imagery needs to be retired. There is no reason for anyone to use it, since it doesn't resonate very good feelings in a lot of people.

Subversive Me said...

This opens the door for many other self interest groups to have their pet images reflected on license plates. Why not the NRA with an image of a gun or rifle. The money collected can be donated to gun education. Maybe i can devise a Black Panther Party logo and the money can be donated to inner city or urban youth centers.

TNLogan said...

Hehe- I have a vanity plate ;) For privacy purposes, I obviously won't publish the exact plate, but it says Baby Girl in a letter/number combination.
Just thought I'd throw that out there!