Monday, April 14, 2008

Florida Has a State Song

Did you know Florida has a state song? I did not and I am a native of Florida. It was not something I learned while in school. I learned Florida had a state song after I read an article discussing the racial lyrics. The title of the song is Old Folks at Home and the lyrics to the song are:

Way down upon de Swanee Ribber,
Far, far away,
Dere's wha my heart is turning ebber,
Dere's wha de old folks stay.
All up and down de whole creation,
Sadly I roam,
Still longing for de old plantation,
And for de old folks at home.

All de world am sad and dreary,
Ebry where I roam,
Oh! darkeys, how my heart grows weary,
Far from de old folks at home.
All round de little farm I wandered
When I was young,
Den many happy days I squandered,
Many de songs I sung.
When I was playing wid my brudder
Happy was I
Oh! take me to my kind old mudder,
Dere let me live and die.
One little hut among de bushes,
One dat I love,
Still sadly to my mem'ry rushes,
No matter where I rove
When will I see de bees a humming
All round de comb
When will I hear de banjo tumming
Down in my good old home?

The lyrics in question are part of the chorus referring to "darkeys" longing for "de old plantation." I had to read the song again because I did not catch it the first time. When I did catch it, I could not understand why anyone would consider keeping those lyrics in a state song. Some Florida lawmakers feel the same as I do. They would like the lyrics to be changed to "dear ones" longing for "my childhood's station.”

Once Florida amends the adopted foster song, it will be the second state to remove offensive lyrics from a state song. I believe changing the lyrics of Florida’s state song will not take away from the song. It can only add to it and avoid controversy which may arise later.

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