Saturday, April 5, 2008

An Added Step for Abortion

Abortion: the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death.

It is also a word which can yield numerous arguments among people around the world. I myself agree with abortion. Why should a person have a child if they can not care for it? Or why should a person go through with the pregnancy and give the baby up? That is 9 months out of their life for something they did not want. Plus the world has enough poverty and if a person chooses this path then they should not be judged.

For people who do not support abortion, the Senate may pass a bill requiring all people considering an abortion to take an ultrasound. It does not mean they have to look at it, but they’re required to sign a waiver. If the bill passes, the Senate hopes it will intimate candidates of abortion into not going through with it or intimate them into considering alternative options.

Although I agree with abortion, I do feel this bill is needed to stop people from just taking the easy way out. If people who have had more than one abortion and does not take responsible for their actions, maybe numerous steps will make them consider what their doing. For those who are on the fence about terminating a pregnancy, maybe the ultrasound is the deciding factor which will change their life forever. Either way, another step in getting an abortion is needed in order to make sure each person terminating a pregnancy has made the right decision and not a regretful one.

1 comment:

Babz said...

I really don’t have a personal preference on abortion. However, I realize people do it for there own reasoning. I just hope as you said, it isn’t for taking the easy way out. This bill that might be passed I feel would be a really good thing for people, so that they can see first hand the child they are about to abort.