Friday, February 22, 2008

Just Not Quick Enough

When you call 9-1-1, the amount of time it takes an officer to arrive can mean life or death. In a recent article, the News-press looked into response times to top priority calls. In their research, they found Cape Coral has seen a drop in response times over the last year. What about Fort Myers? They have seen a 2 minute increase which is the highest in the county.

So what can Fort Myers residents do? Well, I guess they have no choice but to wait and hope the police will arrive in time to save someone’s life. So what are the causes for the delayed response times? The Fort Myers police explains it is because of traffic woes due to increased population and added construction, the need for new officers due to slashed funding and the increase in nonviolent property offenses.

In the article, Fort Myers police major states:
“Baker expects the response times will eventually level out, but he won’t try to accelerate that by encouraging his officers to step on the gas.”

I haven’t had to call 9-1-1 for any serious reasons, but the response times in case I ever have to concerns me. What if those extra 30 seconds could have saved a friend or a family member’s life? I know 30 seconds may not sound like a lot, but when you’re waiting, those few seconds could mean a lifetime. If any of you ever have to dial 9-1-1, I hope they response quickly.


TNLogan said...

Really informative post, Rita. Here are a few random thoughts regarding the topic.

I can't tell you how many times I've been driving around lately, seen lights and heard sirens, and watched in awe and disgust as many drivers did not pull to the side of the road. I wanted to personally attack them all. Have we forgotten this law? Or are we just too concerned with our own selves to pay attention to life around us.

Also, I agree with Baker. Telling his officers to race to the scene can only create more accidents. I have a very good friend who is a deputy back home. He was rushing to a call at an insanely high speed, and hit a flatbed trailer that turned in front of him. He totalled his car, and spent over a month in the hospital. After six months, he is now returning to his job on light duty.

Moral of my story: MOVE! Be on the lookout for flashing lights and get out of their way!

Babz said...

This is unfortunate, but it is good that you are making us aware of this.

Michelle F said...

I agree with Tiffany. I cannot stand driving down the road and seeing flashing lights where no one pulls over! I try to get out of the way as fast as I can because if that was me or someone I cared about I would want someone to get there as soon as possible. It's disgusting to see how little people care.