Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What’s on your list?

Surfing through The News-Press webpage, I came across a forum titled Rants and Raves. The topic being discussed is “Your Own Bucket List,” basically what you would like to do before you kick the bucket. I haven’t seen the movie and don’t plan on watching it, but this movie has brought to peoples attention what they would like to accomplish before they die, myself included. It was not a list that could be prepared in less than an hour because you really have to think about it. Therefore, this is my bucket list:

1. Travel Europe and buy fresh bread off the street.
2. Publish a fiction or poem book.
3. Meet and possibility be on Oprah.
4. Swim with dolphins.
5. Make a snow Angel and not catch frostbit.
6. Go on a safari in Africa.
7. Have kids of my own.
8. Visit the ancient pyramids in Egypt.
9. Attend a superbowl game without worrying about a budget.
10. Go skydiving.
11. Learn to change car oil.

If you had to make a bucket list, what would it include? Think about it and in a few days post your own list of things you would like to do before you kick the bucket. I would like to hear them.


Michelle F said...

My bucket list:

1. Own two homes (One mansion and one regular house)
2. Tell the people I love just how much they mean to me.
3. If I had extra money I’d donate it.
4. Jump out of a plane.
5. Take a mud bath
I'm sure there are more but I'd have to think for a while.
By the way, you won't get frostbite from making a snow Angel. Unless you lay there for a whole day!

Marguerita said...

I might forget to put on something warm since I have lived in Florida all my life. I might just decide to lay there for a while and enjoy the moment.